Who We Supply
Eaststone is a manufacturer and not a wholesaler. With our extensive experience in manufacturing and pharmacy, we understand your needs and by helping your business to help your patient we aid your customer retention at a time when high street competition is fierce and only the best customer service stops your customer voting with their feet.
95 percent of the bespoke products requested, are made by us in our purpose built cleanroom manufacturing facility, which with its dedicated research and development laboratory produces products of the highest quality and with, in many cases, extended shelf life. By prolonging shelf life, we help to improve patient outcomes and reduce the pressure on you in terms of ordering and provision.
Those products that we don’t manufacture, we import from the EU and throughout the world, where necessary or appropriate. We also maintain a Special Obtains department for those essential but more difficult to source products that your patients need and that help you cement your patient relationships.
We have an experienced customer services team who are here to advise and assist at all stages of the order process. We are also happy to assist in answering any questions or queries regarding unlicensed medicines and issues relating to endorsement or reimbursement.
Eaststone is first and foremost an ethical manufacturer yet we aim to be cost effective and ensure that the ordering of a Special is beneficial to both patient and pharmacist.

Because your practices are often based in locales where getting to the nearest dispenser is for some patients time consuming and difficult, it is vital that you can offer them a high quality and timely service to ensure that they can access the medicines they need …when they need them.
At Eaststone we can offer next day delivery for over 90% of our unlicensed medicines. Our dispensary friendly cut off times ensure that we offer you the most effective and competitive lead times.
95 percent of the bespoke products requested, are made by us in our purpose built laboratory, which with its dedicated research and development facility produces products of the highest quality and with in many cases, extended shelf life. By prolonging shelf life, we help to improve patient outcomes and reduce the pressure on you in terms of ordering and provision.
Those products that we don’t manufacture, we import from the EU and throughout the world, where necessary or appropriate. We also maintain a Special Obtains department for those essential but more difficult to source products that your patients need and that help you cement your patient relationships.
We have an experienced customer services team who are here to advise and assist at all stages of the order process. We are also happy to assist in answering any questions or queries regarding the Drug Tariff and issues relating to it including endorsement or remuneration.
Eaststone is first and foremost an ethical supplier yet we aim to be cost effective and ensure that the ordering of a Special is beneficial to both patient and pharmacist.
With a commitment to the highest standards of quality in our supply chain and to the continuing innovation and improvements through in -house Research and Development, Eaststone are the ideal partner for the Dispensing in the UK and ROI.

Eaststone is perfectly placed to service the specialist requirements of our hospital pharmacy customers throughout the UK and of course, most importantly, the needs of their patients.
With extensive experience in manufacturing and hospital pharmacy, the Eaststone team aim to provide a very special service and a wide range of dosage forms that includes:
- Oral liquids
- Sachets
- Ointments/ Creams
- External lotions
- Ear drops
- Mouthwash
- Nasal drops
- Coal tar products
- Tablets
- Suppositories
- Pessaries
Eaststone maintain and develop a substantial portfolio of in- house formulations to tailor make medicines specifically for your patients for next day delivery and provide the necessary documentation including Certificates of Analysis
In addition to manufacturing high quality unlicensed medicines in our purpose built clean room facility, Eaststone offer a range of additional services to enhance our offer.
Eaststone laboratory is perfectly placed to service the specialist requirements of the wholesaler and of course, most importantly, the needs of your customers.
Eaststone aim to supply the highest quality product to your customer direct next day with all appropriate product documentation and with all financial documentation being sent to you.
95 percent of the bespoke or batch manufactured products requested are made by us in our purpose built laboratory, which with its dedicated research and development facility produces products of the highest quality and with in many cases, extended shelf life. By prolonging shelf life, we help to improve patient outcomes and reduce the pressure on your pharmacy customer in terms of ordering and provision.
Eaststone has developed a global network of suppliers to provide the highest levels of service and competitiveness in imported specials.

- Community Pharmacy
Eaststone is a manufacturer and not a wholesaler. With our extensive experience in manufacturing and pharmacy, we understand your needs and by helping your business to help your patient we aid your customer retention at a time when high street competition is fierce and only the best customer service stops your customer voting with their feet.
95 percent of the bespoke products requested, are made by us in our purpose built cleanroom manufacturing facility, which with its dedicated research and development laboratory produces products of the highest quality and with, in many cases, extended shelf life. By prolonging shelf life, we help to improve patient outcomes and reduce the pressure on you in terms of ordering and provision.
Those products that we don’t manufacture, we import from the EU and throughout the world, where necessary or appropriate. We also maintain a Special Obtains department for those essential but more difficult to source products that your patients need and that help you cement your patient relationships.
We have an experienced customer services team who are here to advise and assist at all stages of the order process. We are also happy to assist in answering any questions or queries regarding unlicensed medicines and issues relating to endorsement or reimbursement.
Eaststone is first and foremost an ethical manufacturer yet we aim to be cost effective and ensure that the ordering of a Special is beneficial to both patient and pharmacist.
- Dispensing Doctors
Because your practices are often based in locales where getting to the nearest dispenser is for some patients time consuming and difficult, it is vital that you can offer them a high quality and timely service to ensure that they can access the medicines they need …when they need them.
At Eaststone we can offer next day delivery for over 90% of our unlicensed medicines. Our dispensary friendly cut off times ensure that we offer you the most effective and competitive lead times.
95 percent of the bespoke products requested, are made by us in our purpose built laboratory, which with its dedicated research and development facility produces products of the highest quality and with in many cases, extended shelf life. By prolonging shelf life, we help to improve patient outcomes and reduce the pressure on you in terms of ordering and provision.
Those products that we don’t manufacture, we import from the EU and throughout the world, where necessary or appropriate. We also maintain a Special Obtains department for those essential but more difficult to source products that your patients need and that help you cement your patient relationships.
We have an experienced customer services team who are here to advise and assist at all stages of the order process. We are also happy to assist in answering any questions or queries regarding the Drug Tariff and issues relating to it including endorsement or remuneration.
Eaststone is first and foremost an ethical supplier yet we aim to be cost effective and ensure that the ordering of a Special is beneficial to both patient and pharmacist.
With a commitment to the highest standards of quality in our supply chain and to the continuing innovation and improvements through in -house Research and Development, Eaststone are the ideal partner for the Dispensing in the UK and ROI.
- Hospital Pharmacy
Eaststone is perfectly placed to service the specialist requirements of our hospital pharmacy customers throughout the UK and of course, most importantly, the needs of their patients.
With extensive experience in manufacturing and hospital pharmacy, the Eaststone team aim to provide a very special service and a wide range of dosage forms that includes:
- Oral liquids
- Sachets
- Ointments/ Creams
- External lotions
- Ear drops
- Mouthwash
- Nasal drops
- Coal tar products
- Tablets
- Suppositories
- Pessaries
Eaststone maintain and develop a substantial portfolio of in- house formulations to tailor make medicines specifically for your patients for next day delivery and provide the necessary documentation including Certificates of Analysis
In addition to manufacturing high quality unlicensed medicines in our purpose built clean room facility, Eaststone offer a range of additional services to enhance our offer.
- Wholesaler
Eaststone laboratory is perfectly placed to service the specialist requirements of the wholesaler and of course, most importantly, the needs of your customers.
Eaststone aim to supply the highest quality product to your customer direct next day with all appropriate product documentation and with all financial documentation being sent to you.
95 percent of the bespoke or batch manufactured products requested are made by us in our purpose built laboratory, which with its dedicated research and development facility produces products of the highest quality and with in many cases, extended shelf life. By prolonging shelf life, we help to improve patient outcomes and reduce the pressure on your pharmacy customer in terms of ordering and provision.
Eaststone has developed a global network of suppliers to provide the highest levels of service and competitiveness in imported specials.